Text Editor Source Markdown 0.0.1

Markdown source code editor extension for text editor.

Provides a set of key strokes to generate responses like in a typical HTML source code editor.

Previous tabbable element.




<script src="./key/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor.history/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor.source/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor.source-x-m-l/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor.source-h-t-m-l/index.min.js"></script>
<script src="./text-editor.source-markdown/index.min.js"></script>

  Object.assign(TE.prototype, TE.History.that, TE.Source.that);

  const editor = new TE(document.querySelector('textarea'));
  const map = new K(editor);

  Object.assign(map.commands, TE.SourceHTML.commands, TE.SourceMarkdown.commands);

  map.keys['Control-b'] = 'bold';
  map.keys['Control-e'] = 'code';
  map.keys['Control-h'] = 'blocks';
  map.keys['Control-i'] = 'italic';
  map.keys['Control-l'] = 'link';
  map.keys['Control-o'] = 'image';
  map.keys['Control-q'] = 'quote';
  map.keys['Control-Shift-Q'] = 'quote'; // Use `Control-Shift-Q` if `Control-q` closes the window

  const {
      canKeyDown: canKeyDownSource,
      canKeyDownEnter: canKeyDownEnterSource,
      canKeyDownHistory: canKeyDownHistorySource,
      canKeyDownMove: canKeyDownMoveSource,
      canKeyDownTab: canKeyDownTabSource,
      canKeyUp: canKeyUpSource
  } = TE.Source;

  const {
      canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceXML
  } = TE.SourceXML;

  const {
      canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceHTML
  } = TE.SourceHTML;

  const {
      canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceMarkdown
  } = TE.SourceMarkdown;

  function fromStates(...lot) {  }

  editor.state = fromStates({}, editor.state, TE.Source.state, TE.SourceXML.state, TE.SourceHTML.state, TE.SourceMarkdown.state, {
      commands: map.commands,
      keys: map.keys

  editor.self.addEventListener('blur', () => map.pull());
  editor.self.addEventListener('input', () => map.pull());

  let debounce;

  editor.self.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
      let command = map.command();
      // Check for custom command…
      if (command) {
          let value = map.fire(command);
          if (false === value) {
          } else if (null === value) {
              console.error('Unknown command:', command);
      // Else, run the defaults!
      } else {
          if (
              canKeyDownSourceMarkdown(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownSourceHTML(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownSourceXML(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownSource(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownEnterSource(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownHistorySource(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownMoveSource(map, editor) &&
              canKeyDownTabSource(map, editor)
          ) {
              // Normal key strokes. Add more key strokes extension here!
          } else {
      debounce && clearTimeout(debounce);
      debounce = setTimeout(() => map.pull(), 1000);

  editor.self.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
      canKeyUpSource(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

  editor.self.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
      canMouseDownSourceXML(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

  editor.record(); // Record the first history data!



const {fromStates} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/from');
const {debounce} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/tick');
const K = require('@taufik-nurrohman/key').default;
const TE = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor').default;
const {that: thatHistory} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.history');

const {
    canKeyDown: canKeyDownSource,
    canKeyDownEnter: canKeyDownEnterSource,
    canKeyDownHistory: canKeyDownHistorySource,
    canKeyDownMove: canKeyDownMoveSource,
    canKeyDownTab: canKeyDownTabSource,
    canKeyUp: canKeyUpSource,
    state: stateSource,
    that: thatSource
} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source');

const {
    canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceXML,
    canMouseDown: canMouseDownSourceXML,
    state: stateSourceXML,
    that: thatSourceXML
} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-x-m-l');

const {
    canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceHTML,
    commands: commandsSourceHTML,
    state: stateSourceHTML
} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-h-t-m-l');

const {
    canKeyDown: canKeyDownSourceMarkdown,
    commands: commandsSourceMarkdown,
    state: stateSourceMarkdown
} = require('@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-markdown');

Object.assign(TE.prototype, thatHistory, thatSource);

const editor = new TE(document.querySelector('textarea'));
const map = new K(editor);

const bounce = debounce(() => map.pull(), 1000);

Object.assign(map.commands, commandsSourceHTML);

map.keys['Control-b'] = 'bold';
map.keys['Control-e'] = 'code';
map.keys['Control-h'] = 'blocks';
map.keys['Control-i'] = 'italic';
map.keys['Control-l'] = 'link';
map.keys['Control-o'] = 'image';
map.keys['Control-q'] = 'quote';
map.keys['Control-Shift-Q'] = 'quote'; // Use `Control-Shift-Q` if `Control-q` closes the window

editor.state = fromStates({}, editor.state, stateSource, stateSourceXML, stateSourceHTML, stateSourceMarkdown, {
    commands: map.commands,
    keys: map.keys

editor.self.addEventListener('blur', () => map.pull());
editor.self.addEventListener('input', () => map.pull());

editor.self.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    let command = map.command();
    // Check for custom command…
    if (command) {
        let value = map.fire(command);
        if (false === value) {
        } else if (null === value) {
            console.error('Unknown command:', command);
    // Else, run the defaults!
    } else {
        if (
            canKeyDownSourceMarkdown(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSourceHTML(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSourceXML(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownEnterSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownHistorySource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownMoveSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownTabSource(map, editor)
        ) {
            // Normal key strokes. Add more key strokes extension here!
        } else {

editor.self.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
    canKeyUpSource(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

editor.self.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
    canMouseDownSourceXML(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

editor.record(); // Record the first history data!


import {fromStates} from '@taufik-nurrohman/from';
import {debounce} from '@taufik-nurrohman/tick';
import K from '@taufik-nurrohman/key';
import TE from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor';
import {that as thatHistory} from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.history';

import {
    canKeyDown as canKeyDownSource,
    canKeyDownEnter as canKeyDownEnterSource,
    canKeyDownHistory as canKeyDownHistorySource,
    canKeyDownMove as canKeyDownMoveSource,
    canKeyDownTab as canKeyDownTabSource,
    canKeyUp as canKeyUpSource,
    state as stateSource,
    that as thatSource
} from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source';

import {
    canKeyDown as canKeyDownSourceXML,
    canMouseDown as canMouseDownSourceXML,
    state as stateSourceXML,
    that as thatSourceXML
} from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-x-m-l';

import {
    canKeyDown as canKeyDownSourceHTML,
    commands as commandsSourceHTML,
    state as stateSourceHTML
} from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-h-t-m-l';

import {
    canKeyDown as canKeyDownSourceMarkdown,
    commands as commandsSourceMarkdown,
    state as stateSourceMarkdown
} from '@taufik-nurrohman/text-editor.source-markdown';

Object.assign(TE.prototype, thatHistory, thatSource);

const editor = new TE(document.querySelector('textarea'));
const map = new K(editor);

const bounce = debounce(() => map.pull(), 1000);

Object.assign(map.commands, commandsSourceHTML, commandsSourceMarkdown);

map.keys['Control-b'] = 'bold';
map.keys['Control-e'] = 'code';
map.keys['Control-h'] = 'blocks';
map.keys['Control-i'] = 'italic';
map.keys['Control-l'] = 'link';
map.keys['Control-o'] = 'image';
map.keys['Control-q'] = 'quote';
map.keys['Control-Shift-Q'] = 'quote'; // Use `Control-Shift-Q` if `Control-q` closes the window

editor.state = fromStates({}, editor.state, stateSource, stateSourceXML, stateSourceHTML, stateSourceMarkdown, {
    commands: map.commands,
    keys: map.keys

editor.self.addEventListener('blur', () => map.pull());
editor.self.addEventListener('input', () => map.pull());

editor.self.addEventListener('keydown', e => {
    let command = map.command();
    // Check for custom command…
    if (command) {
        let value = map.fire(command);
        if (false === value) {
        } else if (null === value) {
            console.error('Unknown command:', command);
    // Else, run the defaults!
    } else {
        if (
            canKeyDownSourceMarkdown(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSourceHTML(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSourceXML(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownEnterSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownHistorySource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownMoveSource(map, editor) &&
            canKeyDownTabSource(map, editor)
        ) {
            // Normal key strokes. Add more key strokes extension here!
        } else {

editor.self.addEventListener('keyup', e => {
    canKeyUpSource(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

editor.self.addEventListener('mousedown', e => {
    canMouseDownSourceXML(map, editor) || e.preventDefault();

editor.record(); // Record the first history data!



Return the default commands to be merged with editor.state.source.commands.


Return the default state to be merged with editor.state.


Strokes can either return false or true. If it returns false, it means that this extension has manipulated the existing value. If it returns true, it means that current stroke works normally.

TE.SourceMarkdown.canKeyDown(map, that)